you don"t need to save the crystal for a special day, even water tastes better in a "Fancy Glass"

Friday, September 15, 2006

from Mr. Tea- my hero

Thought this was a great post over on Adagio Tea's newsletter "the Tea Muse" on what is the difference between the many basic kinds of tea- he is such a rascal...

Black tea, White tea, Oolong tea and Green tea all come from the same plant - the Camellia sinensis (also related to the genus Camillia parker bowles - second cousin, twice removed). The processing can be compared to my activities during Labor Day weekend:

Black teas are heavily oxidized, like Mr. Tea after a day at the tanning salon. Oolong teas are semi fermented, Like Mr. Tea after a day on the beach. Green teas are like Mr. Tea after an hour in the sauna and a 1/2 hour massage. White Tea? Like Mr. Tea after the spa, without a massage. Maybe a facial.

Red Tea is from a plant called the Red Bush. This tea, as well as all Herbal Teas, is called tisanes. They are not really tea, but like tea go very well with hot water and a mug, on a patio watching a sunset.

Now you know the difference between these teas, and have a clue as to how I spent my weekend. Now off to the drugstore with me - must find something for this horrendous sunburn.

Extra crispy,

Mr. Tea

I used to be a strictly black or green tea gal, but have been finding some great teas of all varieties that really suit different moods and times of day! We drink RedBush tea at night- no caffine! And one of my new favorites esp. with asian fusion food, is a really good jasmine. Tea is a great ritual and spiritual thing in our house. And I really enjoy "tea-time" at all different times of the day!

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