you don"t need to save the crystal for a special day, even water tastes better in a "Fancy Glass"

Sunday, January 14, 2007

bad news in the new year

the avian flu has definately arrived in japan. the confirmed 5th farm was discoverd this week, when a large number of deaths of chickens were reported. the JT had the story...

H5 bird flu strain confirmed at poultry farm in Miyazaki

MIYAZAKI (Kyodo) Avian influenza was confirmed Saturday as the cause of a large number of chicken deaths on a farm in Miyazaki Prefecture. The confirmation of Japan's fifth case of avian flu came through a virus test by the National Institute of Animal Health based in Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture, officials said. The Miyazaki Prefectural Government announced that the virus was in the H5 family. The institute will continue testing to determine whether it is the virulent H5N1 strain. Human infection and subsequent deaths from the H5N1 variety have been reported worldwide, mainly in Southeast Asia, resulting from close contact with poultry.

Scary stuff, up to this point Japan had not really been effected, but now it seems to be spreading and getting worse. So far no one at the effected farm has gotten sick. you can read more of the full story at the Japan Times.

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