you don"t need to save the crystal for a special day, even water tastes better in a "Fancy Glass"

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

wine dinner countdown

The clock is ticking... today- tonight actually, in the restaurant I work in (Fujimamas) we are preparing for a wonderful wine dinner. We will be having winery owner and wine maker Alex Sokol-Blosser as our guest. And we will be serving a fantastic course menu paired with his wines.

As I type this, I am finishing the menus for printing, Our wonderful chef Mark Vann of Fujimamas Tokyo and Kona, Hawaii- is downstairs in the kitchen creating the wonders that our guests will get to taste tonight- we are making the table cards, planning the seating and generally doing the 1000 little things that go into this kind of event.

One of my very first fancy glass posts was about one of our wine dinners. They are truly wonderful experiences. I have some butterflies in my stomach- always the case before a big event. But I feel confident this one will be a winner.

We are Sold Out for seats tonight- and I think it will be successful... updates tomorrow. Thanks go to Orca International for bringing us the great wine maker and helping us put on this event.

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