you don"t need to save the crystal for a special day, even water tastes better in a "Fancy Glass"

Saturday, April 23, 2005

wine dinner, table setting, soup course, and duck with sweet potatos and pumpkin!  Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

that was a great dinner, congratulations! I liked all the wines, but, surprising no one, I think the desert wine was my fave...

ロイ said...

nice pictures, i love them! what camera and techniques did you use to catch them? cheers

Unknown said...

Thanks Rwangsa, I have an older large cybershot sony. With a bigbig carl zeiss lens. It was the DSC F505 quite outdated now. The one I really want to get is this one Cyber-shot® DSC-F828 Digital CameraDSC-F828
for my techniques, I don't really know, sometimes i get lucky...
thanks for posting.

I went and checked our your restaurant review blog too. Very cool.